
Zen Internet’s 10 Trees Campaign


Sub-brand identity, typesetting, copywriting, layout, conceptual thinking, digital marketing


Zen’s 10 Trees campaign runs with the premise that for every new customer in four areas (areas here), Zen would ensure 10 trees would be planted. The general idea was that ‘we can be a force for good’.
I played a key role in the concept and identity, as well as initial proposal of this campaign, creating the lockup and initial digital marketing, as well as coming up with various lines of copy to promote and sell the idea.


︎︎︎ Campaign identity
︎︎︎ Branded assets
︎︎︎ Digital marketing
︎︎︎     Social squares
︎︎︎     Email headers
︎︎︎     Web banner

︎︎︎ 10Trees Lockup
“It just works” - Steve Jobs

︎︎︎ Web banner

Matches Zen’s brand identity, and champions the new campaign.

︎︎︎ Social squares

Designed to capture the attention of chronic scrollers. It’s simple, hits those Zen identity guidelines, and plays with the concept.

︎︎︎ Email headers + Socials

Outgoing mail is another avenue to get the word out.
Next to the socials, you can see how the campaign identity comes together. The Zen brand is strong no matter what colour you use- through type and lockup presence.