


Digital marketing, blogposts, editorial, typesetting & hierarchy


Scryla is a CTO consultancy operating in the UK.
During my time at Dawn, I was involved in the brand execution, designing blog post thumbnails, large documents in the Scryla style and digital marketing, creating social post sets.

This was another exercise in well-treated type, and utilising colour and pattern to maintain the identity of Scryla, and get across a message in an effective, attention-grabbing way.


︎︎︎ Digital marketing
︎︎︎ Digital design
︎︎︎ Execution of brand identity
︎︎︎ Editorial & typesetting

︎︎︎ Free Info Security Checklist

Downloadable document, 30 pages long, containing checklists and advice to help businesses manage their data and promote Scryla’s knowledge on the subject.

︎︎︎ Data Security Crisis

Social posts to promote Scryla’s latest web article, thumbnails to draw the eye to them

︎︎︎ Credentials

One of the first social promotions I created for Scryla. Designed to be legible and eye catching while remaining in the classic Scryla brand.